"“Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever.” Psalm 107:1

There are so many things to be thankful for, many of which everyone has mentioned in their blog posts. I’m truly thankful for the unconditional love that God has for me, and you. Can you believe that the Lord of Lords, King of Kings, the Creator of this entire universe loves YOU?! It’s something that I cannot fathom but definitely something that I’m so grateful for. I’m also extremely thankful that God has blessed me with such lovely people around me, my family, bf and friends. This past year has been yet another time when I have to make moderately big transitions in life, however the difference is that this time, I wasn’t the one who moved, but my loved ones, my closest ones were. I often hear people say that you never know how much you appreciate someone until they’re gone and I have tried to not fall into a situation where I’ll say that. I tried to find ways to appreciate them so I would not feel guilty about not doing so in the future. Unfortunately, that didn’t work, because I still took so many things for granted and didn’t realize how much I appreciated them until they were gone. Now I’m really pretty much on my own (haha yay time to grow up!) But I’m EXTREMELY thankful for the chance to see them (each of them) much more frequently than I expected, and I truly treasured every one of those moments. I’m also thankful that even though all these people I love are away, God still helps me cope with that occasional feeling of loneliness through His words, by putting people in my life exactly where I needed, or simply by words of encouragement from people I would not expect.

Speaking of words of encouragement, I’m so thankful for this awesome speaker Francis Chan. Ming sent me a link to a sermon called “Think Hard Stay Humble-The Life of the Mind and the Peril of Pride.” There are so many great lessons in the message and they reminded me of so many things that I have forgotten or become numb to. I literally thought, ”Wow what am I doing right now?” after watching the video because I realized how far I am from the goal, and how much I need to change and reflect on my priorities. I recommend you guys to watch it: http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/conference-messages/think-hard-stay-humble-the-life-of-the-mind-and-the-peril-of-pride.

Anyways, lastly, I’m also thankful for the opportunity to be part of the LTF team. We’re so blessed that God is willing to use us and has blessed us with skills and so many resources. Please pray for us as we prepare for our thanksgiving events this coming weekend in Phoenix, and then next Friday in Tucson and for everyone who goes the events, that it will not just be a time of singing/listening to songs, but a time of truly worshiping God and reflecting upon all the great things that His has done for us. Thank you!
